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The Benefits Of DARK MODE In Your Smartphones.

Hello friends, today I am going to give some important information to all of you through this blog, in today's time, all of you will be using smart phones, right?
All of you will definitely know about the DARK MODE in smart phones, Right?
If anyone does not know, let me tell you that the smart phone provides an feature of the DARK MODE in the compatible phone so that the background of our phone changes to black.
DARK MODE  has become very important in today's time,

The blue colors Ray's  emanating from the display screen of our smart phone is hurting our eyes quite a lot, nowadays smart phone is having various different types of display lunch.  Blue Ray's from smart phones is hurting our delicate eyes to a great extent.  In the morning you will not have any problem with the blue color Ray's, but in the dark of night, when we use our phone, it damages our eyes

But this is not to be feared, from time to time, smartphone companies keep bringing solutions to all these problems.
So that you do not have much problem in using your phone.
Yes friends, I am talking about DARK MODE  or READING MODE Or NIGHT MODE  in smartphones.

Nowadays, more  smartphone companies have given the facility of system DARK MODE or NIGHT MODE in their phones.
I will tell you how to turn on the DARK MODE  or the NIGHT MODE  in your phone,
If you use Redmi's phone:

This is the process of turning DARK MODE ON across the phone.

DARK MODE  facilities:
1 • Depending on the screen technology of the device can reduce power usage by a significant amount.
2 • Improves visibility for low vision users and those who are sensitive to bright light.
3 • Makes it easy to use any device in a low light environment.


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