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Top 5 Best Home Remedies For Kidney Stones.

Kidney stones are a common problem.  Urine contains many chemical elements.  Uric acid, phosphorus, calcium and oxalic acid.  All these chemical elements are responsible for making stones.

 Along with this, due to the intake of vitamin D in large amounts, imbalance of salts in the body, dehydration and irregular diet, the kidney also becomes stone.

 Due to kidney stone, there is pain in the stomach all the time.  Apart from this, the symptoms are frequent urinary discharge, pain during defecation, excessive sweating and vomiting.

 Although many types of medicines are available in the market for its treatment and it is possible to treat it by operation but you can get relief from kidney stone by adopting these home remedies.

 Along with home remedies, it is very important that you consume 10 glasses of water regularly.  Drinking less water can cause pain and discomfort in case of stone.

 1. Lemon juice and olive oil:-
 Lemon juice and olive oil have been consumed for years for gallbladder stones, but it is also effective in kidney stone.  The citric acid present in lemon juice acts to break the calcium base stone and also prevents it from forming again.  To make this mixture, mix equal quantity of lemon juice and olive oil and consume it two to three times a day.

 2. Pomegranate:-
 Both pomegranate juice and its seeds have an anti-inflammatory property which is helpful in the treatment of kidney stone.  If you have a stone in your kidney, then eating a pomegranate or drinking its juice daily can be beneficial.  Apart from this, pomegranate can also be eaten by mixing it in fruit-salad.

 3. Watermelon:-
 Watermelon is a very effective remedy for the treatment of kidney stone made of magnesium, phosphates, carbonates and calcium.  Watermelon contains sufficient amount of potassium which is a key element for a healthy kidney.  Potassium helps maintain the acid level in urin.  Along with potassium, water is also rich, which naturally removes the stone from the body.

 4. kidney beans:-
 Rajma has rich fiber.  It is also known as kidney beans.  Kidney beans are effective in relieving all types of problems related to kidney and bladder.  Drinking the water in which it is soaked before making it also benefits.

 5. Wheat Grass:-
 Boil the wheat grass in water and cool it.  Its regular intake provides a lot of relief in kidney stone and other kidney diseases.  Mixing some amount of lemon juice and drinking it can be better.

And the most useful treatment, when my father had stones, this remedy was most useful to my father:-

Take a leaf of stone plant and grind it with some grains of sugar candy and eat it. PATHAR CHATTA(in hindi) is a plant with medicinal properties, which is used in the treatment of diseases related to kidney and stomach.  It is an evergreen plant which is grown in India.  Stones are also considered to be the most effective for kidney stones.  According to Ayurveda, it helps a lot in relieving prostate gland and kidney stone problems.

I personally Recommend That Take Last One Remedies For Better Results.

Thank you


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